honouring you

Studio updates
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for up to date information regarding in studio classes.
Energy Exchange wanted! for more info and to apply,we can't wait to hear from you!
We would like to send out our sincere gratitude to everyone who has supported us through these difficult times, we couldn't have made it this far without all of you!
While the safety of our students and staff remain our number one priority, we now have multiple different ways for you to enjoy our classes. Please for more information on all of our studio updates, including all the different ways to enjoy class.
We have many exciting workshops coming your way soon, check out our instagram or facebook account for more info!
Now offering

Thank you for being a part of the Transcend Yoga & Wellness Community. Our community is one in which we value any and all things wellness. From the proper pass type to a good quality class and experience that will lay the foundation for your day. We aspire to ensure that you have the best possible experience. A part of our wellness perspective means creating a space of quiet, calm, and positive energy – a retreat of sorts. It is our aspiration to create this context for you. Also, we are feedback and client orientated so please feel free to share with your Transcend Yoga & Wellness Team!
Nurturing the Human Experience – once class, one pose, one breath at a time.
Expand your Experience
Mother Teresa